Hear What You’ve Been Missing – Contributed by Diane Fox, Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

You do all you can to take care of yourself. This may include good diet and exercise habits, you know your cholesterol numbers. Also, you may watch your blood pressure. Annual vision tests and dental check-ups are the norm. Colonoscopy after age 50…So, when was the last time you had a hearing screening?
Annual Hearing Consultation
The Better Hearing Institute recommends that everyone over the age of 55 have an annual hearing consultation. During your visit you’ll go over your family’s hearing health history and your noise exposure (recreational and industrial), Next is a comprehensive visual exam of your ear to rule out pathologies that possibly could be affecting your hearing. After that a measurement will be made of your hearing, both in pitch (frequency) and intensity (loudness).
This is a very comfortable appointment where you will also learn tips and tricks for positive interactions with friends and family members. Learn how to hear what you may be missing if you’re beginning to experience hearing problems or miscues.
People with better hearing healthcare experience better communication and more positive interactions. Also, they are known to have more intimacy in relationships, higher earnings and more confidence than people with untreated hearing loss. With better hearing healthcare, you may enjoy lower blood pressure, better cognitive functions, and more delayed onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
It all starts with a simple hearing consultation.
Annual Hearing Screening
Finally, if you already wear hearing devices, it is recommended that you have an annual hearing screening. This is because your hearing provider ensures the best outcomes from your investment in better overall health. As a result, you’ll be hearing the return on that investment for many years to come. Hear what you’ve been missing!
Related: Better Hearing Equals Better Health