Engagement Defined by Those Living with Dementia

Engagement Defined: connections to the outdoors. red cardinal bird on bare tree branch during daytime

This Teepa Snow Blog, Engagement Defined by Those Living with Dementia, is contributed by Polly Logan, Positive Approach to Care Team Member at Positive Approach to Care

How does an individual’s engagement preference change or stay the same once dementia is in the picture?

This month, our friends Mark Roberts and Laurie Waters share their perspectives on transitions and engagement when living with dementia. Mark resides in Michigan and lives with vascular dementia, while Laurie, who currently makes her home in South Carolina, lives with Alzheimer disease.

Engagement Defined

Read the full article about creating these important spaces at Engagement Defined by Those Living with Dementia

PAC’s mission states: Let’s Radically transform the experience of dementia one space at a time.

Teepa Snow

Positive Approach to Care

Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, is a world-renowned dementia educator and founder of Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care®. This organization provides education and resources for those living with brain change, caregivers, and the general public.

Visit www.teepasnow.com to learn more.

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