Pedaling for Parkinson’s | Your Health Depends on it!

Pedaling for Parkinson's:Picture of Senior man on exercise bike.Pedaling for Parkinson’s |  “If exercise could be packed in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.”    Robert N. Butler, M.D., Director, National Institute on Aging  |

Pedaling  for Parkinson’s

What if someone told you that pedaling a bicycle for an hour a week at a set speed could reduce your Parkinson’s symptoms up to 35%?  Does that sound too good to be true?  Not so.  Pedaling for Parkinson’s (PFP) is a fairly new program in our counties, but it was quick to gain support for one reason:  it works. Research done by Dr. Jay Alberts, Ph.D., shows that pedaling three times a week, an hour each time, at 60-85% of maximum heart rate can dramatically change the life of someone with Parkinson’s disease. Pedaling for Parkinson’s is popping up all over the country and you can find the class closest to you at   

Accomplish Health Goals

Pedaling for Parkinson’s not only helps with symptoms of Parkinson’s, but participants find it also accomplishes various health goals that many of us seek, including benefits such as:

  • better cardiovascular fitness
  • increased muscle mass and bone integrity
  • range of motion improvements
  • glucose management

Often times we know what we need to do for better health, but struggle to actually do it.  If this describes you, consider some simple things that most of us can incorporate without much fuss.  A ten minute walk, particularly directly after a meal, has very positive health benefits. Park your car in a central spot (or taking public transportation) and then walk. In this way, running errands gets you some movement and saves gas.  Even a new idea called fragmented sitting (where you are conscientious to get two hours of standing/movement into every day) can help decrease your risk. While it is true that there is no magic pill for better health, experts say that if there were, it would spur the positive changes in your body that exercise does.

Your Health Depends on It

You have the opportunity to increase your wellness and reduce your risk for many chronic diseases with exercise.  Tremendous health benefits are seen even with low levels of exercise.  The amount of exercise needed to benefit health is much lower than the amount needed for fitness.  Specifically, Pedaling for Parkenson’s works! With any health condition, don’t be intimidated by exercise recommendations. However, do get up and get moving as if your health depends on it—because, in many ways, it does.

This article was first published in the Fall/2014 edition of Vibrant Senior Options Resource Guide.

See the current Resource Guide through the link on our Home Page.

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