Book Review by Christine Blankenship, Vibrant Senior Options

Sharing the Care
Book Review: Sharing the Care–A practical, easy read for the caregiver
Written in 2004, Sharing the Care, by Lyn and Bill Roche, has timeless value. Furthermore, the wisdom applies whether your loved one lives in a care community or resides with you. Never regret the effort you put into your relationship with loved ones, even if this effort is not reciprocated. This short, concise book addresses care-taking issues, teamwork, and balancing life with care giving. Also, it encourages and gives ideas for reaching out on various communication levels. Each page contains one short care issue and a great suggestion to address that issue. Implement even a few of these great ideas, and gain back your quality time with your loved one.
Help at a Difficult Time
The stress of caring for an elderly loved one is complex. Researching and transitioning to a senior care community to provide for that loved one is an agonizing shift. Caregivers need this book for these changing times. Sharing the Care takes an overwhelming experience and transforms it into manageable steps. Also, this book delivers reassurance and understanding of the emotions common to those who share the care at home or with a care community. Furthermore, Sharing the Care gives enough detail without being overwhelming to already-stressed families. This is a must-read for down-to-earth advice and support!
About Lyn and Bill Roche
As seminar presenters, Lyn and Bill Roche have taught many people about sharing the care of aging family members. Since the writing of this book, Bill also shared his personal experiences and insights of early stage dementia. Lyn and Bill have both passed away, but they left us with timeless resources for care. Their book, Sharing the Care, throws a refreshing new light on care giving.
Local Care Communities
In addition to caring for a loved one, the task of researching for a local care community seems overwhelming. See this list of local communities to get you started.
“One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.” — Jim Rohn, author
Updated October, 2019
© 2016 Vibrant Senior Options